August 14, 2006


Zubana? Is that what you get when a zuchinni plant and a banana squash plant cross pollunate? We have a community garden (one of the benefits of the move) that we get to pick from, and I went out the other day to find an odd shaped, green, almost pumpkinish looking vegetable. My neighbor said she got one the other day and named it a zubana. I wish I had a picture, but my camera is getting repaired. So, I cut into it and it looks more like a zuchinni than a squash. Tonight I'm going to fry it up and see how it tastes!!


Blackeyedsue said...

Yum. At the end of the season ours always cross-pollunate and we end up with those. Last year we even ended up with a cantalope that crossed with a zucchini. It was gross.

Anonymous said...

Well, if it's related to the squash, it's bound to be good!!!

Gina said...

Mmmm, sounds good!

Lala's world said...

wow sounds interesting! I love all squashes and zucchini!

Lana said...

How fun! I wonder if I could force some to do that here? Our season is short because of the heat.

smart mama said...

what was the verdict