July 10, 2011

"Can I Stay?"

T is having a blast in OR. He called Saturday when they got back from Trek and told me all about it. It sounds like he loved it. He told me that it was hard work and that he was glad he didn't have to walk from Missouri to Utah. He even bore his testimony. I wish I could've heard him. He doesn't do that too often. I'm so proud of him for having the courage to do that. I really hope his testimony has been strengthened and that he will always remember the feelings he had and the things he learned while on the trek.

When I talked to him yesterday he asked if he could stay longer. He was supposed to come home on Tuesday, but now wants to stay until the end of the month. He wants to go to Scout Camp with Josh next week. I think that will be another great experience for him, so while I'm sad and I miss him, I guess I'll let him stay. What a weird summer for us.

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