May 31, 2007


Last night after dinner the kids grabbed some cookies to go outside and enjoy. DH and I stayed inside and ate our cookies at the table and talked. A few minutes later we heard screaming from T and he came running in the house with his head down and his hand on the back of his head and blood dripping everywhere. He was playing in the backyard and fell backwards and hit his head on some rocks. I knew from last time how badly heads bleed, so I wasn't sure how bad it was. We stopped the bleeding the best we could, helped him change his shirt, and then DH headed off for the clinic. He came out of there with only 3 stitches! I'm glad it wasn't any worse than that. I wonder how many more times we will be going to the doctor for stitches or broken bones, or any of the other fun stuff that goes along with having a boy.


Lana said...

popor little T!

Amanda said...

Glad to hear that he didn't get hurt worse! Head wounds are the worst!

Lucky duck, now he has bragging rights and a cool stitches story. At least that is how my boy looks at it! He still loves to tell the story of how he broke his ankle (he was 13 months old and has no recollection, but he still loves to tell everyone). Oh and there was the time that he ran into my BIL's bus/motorhome and ended up with a Harry Potter scar.

Tori :) said...

I'm glad he's ok. None of my boys have needed stitches, surprisingly- although we have had busted lips and a fractured nose. My step daughter had to get stitches above her eye and another time under her chin... She's a little clumsy. :)
Head wounds are scary aren't they?? They bleed SO much!

Suzanne said...

Yep, I've been there, done that with boys! Mine have an identical scar on their chins from stitches. Now they are the scar twins! I'm glad that your son's cut wasn't worse, but it's still hard seeing all that blood!

Lei said...

Poor guy! I am just waiting for something like this to happen! We've gotten our fair share of shiners, but now stiches yet! *crossing fingers*

I have a good life said...

Glad he's okay...and, yes, those heads can really bleed!