July 15, 2006

Midnight Cleaning

L and I got to do a lot of this in the middle of the night. S who hardly ever has accidents, happened to have one this particular night. As I was cleaning the mattress I thought I should get my camera and blog this. It took me a couple of weeks, but here it is. We got really good at it. Clean off crying, wet child, redress them, strip the bed down, spray it with cleaner, scrub, scrub, scrub, lay down a towel (so the new sheets don't get wet), remake the bed, tuck sleepy child back in for what will hopefully be a dry rest of the night until the next day.

S was so tired, he couldn't wait for the cleaning process to be done. He fell asleep in the middle of the hallway. I probably could've left him there until morning and he would've slept just fine. How do kids do that?

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