April 7, 2008


When we moved into this house, I decorated my kitchen/dining area with roosters. The other day, I went to a home decor store looking for sconces, to put on both sides of my mirror in my living room. I was not looking for a rooster. I told the kids they had to be so so good in the store, not touch anything, no running, blah, blah. The owner came up to me and asked if he could help. I told him what I was looking for and he walked me over to one corner of the store to show me what they had. As I was talking to him, I heard a big crash, little footsteps, and the sad little voice of S saying "I'm sorry mom, it was an accident. I didn't mean to." I was not happy, and the store owner was not happy either. I gave the keys to T and told him he better go get his brother in the car. This rooster had lost it's head and some of the paint had chipped. So, I got to buy it. Instead of paying $30, the owner only made me pay $20. He glued the head back on and did a quick little paint job. It hardly looked like it had been touched. Luckily it wasn't ugly and it matched my house so it was something that didn't totally go to waste. I would've preferred to buy something else, but oh well. S got a big talking to, and I think, I hope he learned his lesson.


Misty said...

Oh dear.

That is a cute rooster, though....

Better luck next time with the sconces....

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

You handled that very calmly, it sounds like!! I'm sure they will all be more careful next time. . .but I want to say, I LOVE THE PHOTO OF THE FEET! I can tell you are a good mommy, they are all clean. If those were of my kids, they would be BLACK, so kudos to you, xo, Sarah

Amanda said...

I love roosters! That is what my kitchen is! There are so many cute things out there!

At least S broke a rooster and not some weird decoration that you couldn't use!

Tori :) said...

A headless chicken, eh?? I'm glad it was only $20 and not $200.

I have a good life said...

How frustrating! Thank goodness it matches your decor. I am impressed with how you handled the situation! :)

Chellie said...

Well... it's a cute rooster even though you didn't obtain it by actually choosing it.

Anonymous said...

Oh! This very thing is one of my fears whenever I go into a store with breakables and the kids. At least $20 is a lot less than it could have been. But still...

Suzanne said...

You'll always have a story to tell with that Rooster now. Maybe you can give it to his fiance for a wedding shower gift some day!

I understand with boys how scary it is taking them to stores with breakables. I just keep waiting for my turn to have to buy something that gets broken.

At least it was the right them, right? :)

Meg said...

Hi! It is me! It has been a long time. Love your blog. Your kids are too cute. Are we old enough to have kids this age? I am up there at least once a year. Where are you? Maybe we can get together next time we come up.

PS-love the rooster, I know my turn is coming to have to buy something broken.

Cheri said...

Sounds like the owner was nice about it though- charging you less and painting it.
I can just about hear that little tiny voice- knowing he did something wrong.

Yvonne said...

You are a brave mom going into a store with breakables with little ones. I'm glad it was something you could use. (I love Suzanne's idea of giving it to his fiancee for a shower gift!)

chrissy said...

Cute rooster!

I'm always afraid of that happening with one of my kids! But with my luck they'd break something ugly that I wouldn't want in the first place.