DH and I are big American Idol watchers. The auditions are some of the funniest parts to watch. Seriously, I don't know what some of these people think. I feel bad for them when they get rejected, but did they really think they could sing? So, if it was your child and you KNEW they couldn't sing, but they really wanted to try out, do you let them? Or, do you spare them the embarassment but risk having them be mad at you?
That guy made me laugh when he auditioned!! The past few weeks have been our favorite part of the show... although I keep watching to see who actually wins, John does not.
And... WAY TO GO on the weight loss, so impressive! :) Keep up the great work.
I do not watch the show... but if it were my child I would say something. Does that make me a bad mother?
I wanted to cry for that poor guy. His feelings seemed totally hurt!!
I would tell someone that they sing ok but aren't AI material...
Oh dear.
I would TOTALLY tell my kids the truth. Even if they hated me.
I would be truthful but in a kind way and then let it be up to them to subject themselves to the judges!
We are huge fans around our house. The first few weeks of it are hard for me to watch. It's kind of like a train wreck and I often have to click away from it....but I still keep watching.
We enjoy watching Idol, too! I would definitely tell my child BEFORE they went and tried out. If they didn't believe me and wanted to try out anyhow, I would be there and support them the whole way. And, I would NEVER say "I told you so."
Oh man, that guy was horrible. But soooo funny to watch!
I think a lot of the contestants have to know how BAD they are, but they do it to be on TV. But then there's people like my cousin (no, she didn't make it on TV, whew). She auditioned because she thought she had a chance. Pfft! If her mom would've been honest with her, she could've saved herself A LOT of gas money...LOL
justin and I both love watching amaerican Idol also! I do also feel really bad for those guys that do a horrible job, but also those that come away so mad at the judges they are wacky! arent some of the people so weird that go one there??
Oh my, I missed that one! He was really bad. I feel bad for them too, but really if you are willing to put yourself out there you have to be prepared for what might happen. Some of these people I think know they are bad, they just do it to get on TV. Like the others said, if it was my kid I would be honest with them.
We love AI too-of course we are a couple of weeks behind everyone else. :( I would tell my kid. For sure-I would never let them go through that without trying to warn them first.
I like your fancy blender and the new Christmas presents!
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