Grandpa D. sent us a check for Christmas, but because of mix-ups we only got it a few weeks ago. Over the years we've done different things with the money; family gift, individual gifts, going out somewhere fun. This year we decided to give the each of the kids their own money. They were so excited. We told them they needed to pay their tithing and that they could get whatever they wanted with the rest.

M bought this cute outfit. It says dance! dance! dance! all over it, and of course it's pink! She also got the fuzzy socks that she is wearing. When I told her I wanted to take a picture of her with her stuff she immediately had to put it on and strike a pose. She loves to have her picture taken.
J was quite the bargain shopper. It was so fun to watch her shop around and try to decide what she wanted. She spent a long time looking for the perfect things. She did know right away that she wanted to buy some jelly bellies. She also got some markers and then debated on a notebook, which she later put back because she said she could just use regular paper. She got two pairs of purple fuzzy socks and the favorite find was her snowman sleepers. She saw them on the rack and was so excited.

She told me she wanted them because they were so cozy inside. So, then we looked at all the stuff she had and added it up. When I told her she could get all of the stuff and still have money left over, she replied, "For real life?!" She was so excited. So, we went to the check out counter and she paid for everything all by herself. She ended up with 2 pairs of socks, a sleeper, a pack of markers, and jelly bellies for under $11.00! What a good little shopper!
S wanted to go and buy some new toys. He looked around for a LONG time, walking up and down the isles several times, touching things, playing, looking, and looking. He finally decided on a

pack of "special force units" guys. They are little guys in uniforms that come with guns and all sorts of fun stuff! Perfect S toys!! We got in the self check out lane at Wal-Mart and he wanted to put his money in all by himself. It was so cute to see his chubby little hands putting his dollars into the machine. He was so proud!