June 27, 2011

30 Day Blog:" Why, Oh Why?", Day 1

My sister Ange tagged me for a 30 Day Blog. Holy Cow, that's a lot to ask. I'll try though.

1- A favorite childhood memory with your siblings.

I have a lot of wonderful childhood memories. One of them however is the same one my sister posted. We used to go camping at the beach every year for a week. I LOVED going. I loved the long walks, laying out in the sun, jumping the waves, walking on the trails, going to the peacock store, campfires, smores, camp songs, friends, family, and even all the sandy mess. I loved everything about our camping trips. I was just talking with my friend the other day and we were talking about how much fun it would be to go back to the beach with our families. I really hope this is something we can do. If my kids have the same fun that we had, they would absolutely LOVE it. We made so many good memories those summers!

1- A favorite childhood memory with your siblings.
2- 15 things you adore about your spouse.
3- A regret you have from/about high school.
4- Your favorite person to be around.
5- Your most dreaded house chore.
6- Create your life soundtrack.
7- A deceased person you admire.
8- The best advice your dad ever gave you.
9- Your biggest fear.
10- Your favorite winter activity.
11- Something you feel you've improved in yourself and you're proud of.
12- A simple pleasure in life you could never live without.
13- Your favorite outfit that makes you feel good.
14- A favorite amusement park you've been to.
15- A pet peeve you could kill over.
16- Your most prized material possession.
17- The best quality your mother passed on to you.
18- Your favorite part of the Christmas holiday.
19- Your top 10 bucket list items.
20- Music you never get tired of no matter how much it's played.
21- Your idea of the perfect retirement.
22- The vacation of your dreams.
23- Your most exciting sports experience to date.
24- Your favorite summer activity.
25- Your most peaceful place to be.
26- Your favorite childhood game.

27- The most romantic movie & song of all time.
28- Your favorite scenic picture.
29- Your go-to pick-me-up.
30- A quality you admire/consider a strength in yourself.

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