December 4, 2007

A Little Prayer

Last night I told T how I thought he was so responsible for doing what he did, and that I thought he handled things well. His response was this:

"Mom, when I got dropped off and you weren't there, I said a little prayer, and then I knew I should walk to Aprils'."

So, that made me want to bawl. I'm so thankful that Heavenly Father was watching out for us and that T was inspired to do what he did.


Lana said...

T is a great boy! I'm glad he was safe, and I'd be giving that other mother a piece of my mind.

Tori :) said...

What a great kid- who has obviously been taught well by his parents. :)

Kelsi {John, Jake, Georgia, Naomi, Alice} said...

what a special little boy. he's been taught well.

Tonya said...

It is so comforting to know that Heavenly Father is so aware of us. I'm glad he knew what to do and now has that experience to draw upon later.

Gina said...

I just read the below post. I am so sorry that other parent was oblivious to the safety rules. I am glad T was so wise to say a prayer and know he'd be okay.

lera said...

You've taught him well.

Klin said...

Kudo's to T for knowing how to recognize the spirit. He has good parents, fo sho.

I know I don't sound cool. I just hear these words from the kids I work with and they slip out.;)

Nettie said...

That is the craziest thing! I even wait when dropping off teenagers to make sure they get safely inside. Some people just lack common sense. I'm glad T isn't one of them. Praying for help was such a wise thing for him to have done!

Gabriela said...

I just read about T's adventure-I can't believe somebody just dropped him off without making sure someone was there!

I'm glad he's okay and knew what to do.

Yvonne said...

It's so great that he knew where to turn, and that he listened.