November 5, 2010

Fun With FHE

My Mom has had the kids help her put on some very fun Family Home Evenings. S was in charge this week. He did a great job reading his lessons and having everyone do their parts. He was so excited to be in charge. I definitely need to let my kids help out with FHE more often.

We talked about putting on the "Whole armour of God".
Everyone got a drawing and a quote and had to make their "armour" out of foil. It was a blast!

Papa was the first to try everything on! He couldn't stop laughing.

Then everyone else needed a turn.

T specifically asked for the chair so he could get in his stance. Crazy boy!

Warrior girl!

Our cute lesson giver. For dessert we had yummy banana bars with cream cheese frosting.
Great FHE, yummy food, family, and lots of love!

Last week J was in charge of treats, and M gave the lesson. J made these cute "spider" treats.

Our lesson was about how Satan is like a spider and he tries to trap us in his sticky web. We named things that Satan tries to tempt us with and stuck them in our web to remind us to stand up for what we believe and what we know is right. M did a great job!

Then we played the spider game. J was the spider and we were the flies flying around her. If she caught us we were stuck in her web. Super cute! I love FHE and am so glad to have kids who enjoy it also. Ange, Em, Tal, and Reg joined our fun evening.

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