I'm participating in the A to Z Meme from
Millie's blog. So here we go...
ACCENT: Western, I guess
BIBLE BOOK THAT I LIKE: Not sure. I guess I read the Book of Mormon much more than I do the Bible
DOG OR CAT: Neither, but I’m sure we’ll have a dog someday because my hubby and kids really want one.
ESSENTIAL ELECTRONICS: Computer/Internet, T.V., cell phone, CD player, DVD player.
FAVORITE COLOGNE: For my hubby I love Cool Water and Eternity
GOLD OR SILVER: I love silver. My wedding ring is gold, but I've thought about dipping it because everything else I have is silver.
HANDBAG I CARRY MOST OFTEN: A red purse that DH got me for Christmas
INSOMNIA: Occasionally, if I’m really anxious about something or excited for something like going on vacation or Christmas
JOB TITLE: Homemaker
KIDS: 2 boys, 8 & 5; and 2 girls, 7 & 4
LIVING ARRANGEMENTS: 4 bedroom, 3 bath house
MOST ADMIRABLE TRAIT: I'm not really sure. I think I have a lot of energy and always try to be positive.
NAUGHTIEST CHILDHOOD BEHAVIOR: I liked the taste of chalk. Gross I know, but I then learned that I was severely anemic and I guess the two are tied together.
OVERNIGHT HOSPITAL STAYS: Once when I was in highschool I was hospitalized for 4 days due to an allergic reaction to some medicine and then some other problems that they found while I was there. 4 times for each of the births of my children. Four more days after I had my hysterectomy. I also stayed in the hospital overnight when J was there with RSV. I'd much rather be the patient than watch one of my children in pain and being sick. I've also had several outpatient hospital experiences.
PHOBIAS: Not sure. I don't love spiders or heights, but I don't think either of them would completely freak me out.
QUOTE: "If you can't stand for something, kneel." (Don't know who it's by)
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)SIBLINGS: I’m the 4th of 8 kids. I have 5 sisters and 2 brothers.
TIME I WAKE UP: 7ish. Except on Saturdays when I try to sleep in if the kids are being good.
UNUSUAL TALENT OR SKILL: I remember phone numbers and birthdays really well. I can touch my tongue to my nose. I used to be able to lay on my stomach and take a hat off my head with my feet. I'm not sure if I can still do it, but I think I'll try.
WORST HABIT: Being very critical on myself.
X-RAYS: Regular dental x-rays. MRI's and CT's, more than I'd like to admit. Series of what seemed like a hundred x-rays after my accident.
YUMMY STUFF I COOK: Lettuce wraps, fresh salsa, cream puff dessert, banana bread.
ZOO ANIMAL I LIKE MOST: Probably koala bears, they look so cute and cuddly.
If you read this and would like to play, then you're tagged! Happy Playing!