June 12, 2016

Family Yard Work

We have 2 planter areas in our front yard that have been just piles of weeds, wood, and all sorts of junk.  Really it's been a huge eye sore.  Tanner, Kenz, Jo and I worked hard to clean those areas out and I really wanted to buy rock to put down.  I was talking to Tanner about it the other day and then that night he sent me a text that he had found free rocks.  So, we took a drive to check them out.  They were perfect.  When Ry and Spence got home from scout camp we loaded all the kids up, borrowed a truck, and got to work.  Miracle of all miracles everyone really worked well together.  It took us 4 trips, but we got it and they look great!  I will eventually plant something in there, but for now it looks 100 times better than all the weeds that were there.  Yard work takes a lot of effort.  Really it's something that needs to be done daily.  I'm excited that our yard is FINALLY looking nice.  We still have a ways to go, but at least we are making a dent.  Yay for family working on this project together.

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