February 23, 2010

A Little Bit on T

T has been a busy kid these days. He is growing right up. The other day he came home from school with his Jr. High registration paper. He needed to choose his electives and then turn the paper back in the next day. Weird. How do I have a kid who will be going to Jr. High next year? He chose Art, Drama, and Spanish with Chorus and General Music as his alternates.
He's been busy playing Futsal (indoor soccer), for the last 2 months, is loving it. He plays games 2 nights a week, and has practice one night a week. He is really playing well!
For Science the kids had to make an "Ice Melt Box", which is a container that holds ice. The goal was to see whose box would keep the ice solid the longest. T's box won! It took like 4 hours before his ice cube melted. He was pretty excited, and came up with his box all on his own!

Sunday we went to a Court of Honor, where he got his First Class Rank.
He loves the scouting program, and is really doing well with his requirements.
I'm so glad that he has good leaders who help and encourage him to succeed!
He's a pretty great kid!


Lacee DeG said...

Way to go!! You CANNOT have a kid in Junior High..no way! Sounds like he loves to be involved, so fun! BTW..LOVE your hair! When are we going to lunch?! Remember we planned it like year ago?! HA! We'll do it one of these days!

Lana said...

T is an awesome boy!!!

Yvonne said...

They grow up so fast, don't they.

Natalie said...

T is such an awesome boy. Way to go T!
You look gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!!
You have a lucky MOM.

allison nadauld said...

Wow he is growing fast. What a good boy. Well done T! You and R haven't done bad either!

Fisher Family said...

You're getting old! Junior high is the pinnacle point of being a young hip mom, to senior citizen! JK!!! Can't believe how big he is!