December 24, 2007
Christmas Festivities
Friday afternoon Mom, the kids, and I went to some friends' house for a visit and we ended up having lunch there. It was a nice visit and I was glad to have some time to catch up with her. She has a beautiful home and I hope to be able to spend more time with her soon.
Friday night we had big plans to go out to dinner and then ride Trax to Temple Square and look at the lights. However, when we got to the restaurant S and M were both not feeling good. They didn't even order anything. They were crying and laying all over DH. So, we decided to go to Temple Square another night. Plus it was a freezing 23 degrees without taking the wind factor into consideration. When we got home the kids were sleepy and DH started not feeling well. He ended up being sick from both ends. I guess it was a good thing we went home.
I spent Saturday making things. I made some gifts for friends. I took some wooden blocks and painted them black. Then, I had letters to spell out their last name and painted those cream. I then glued the letters onto the blocks. It's kind of hard to explain but they turned out really cute. I also put together our neighbor/friend gifts. This year I made white chocolate popcorn and put it in a cute Christmas cellophane bag. I think we delivered almost 30 bags. It took us a few hours and at 8:30 p.m. we still hadn't had any dinner. So, I took the kids to the store and they each chose a can of soup and we headed home for a lovely dinner of grilled cheese sandwiches and soup!
We had a relaxing Sunday. DH and Dad both stayed home, sick. No fun. Church was nice. I had to teach the Sunbeams. I think I sub in primary at least once a month. Oh well, I don't mind. T had a talk, and J had the scripture so I needed to be in there anyways. Afterwards we played games and made our Christmas menu! When the little ones were tucked away in bed we watched the Amazing Race. I love that show! I'm glad the pink goths didn't get out. I really like them.
Now it's Monday morning. I got up and showered with the intention of being ready before the kids. But, I got as far as that. I'm still in my bath robe, sitting in bed, blogging. But, it's been a while. I have every right, right?
Happy 24th!
December 16, 2007
They Come in 3's
1. Last night as we were eating dinner my mom got a phone call from my youngest sister who was in a panic. She let us know that she had just gotten in a car accident. She was fine, but the car was totaled. She sounded scared. We were all relieved to hear that she was okay.
2. About an hour or an hour and a half later my other sister Andrea started complaining of really bad pain in her stomach. When she had first gotten to my house she said she wasn't feeling well, but it seemed to hit her hard, and she really didn't feel good. My mom and I took her to the ER and it was a good thing. She ended up having to have her appendix out. She was nervous and scared. She's never had any major thing happen. Luckily the surgery went well and now she just needs to recover. She should be coming home tomorrow.
3. After getting home around 3:15 a.m. and finally falling asleep, I thought all was well and on the mends. I was wrong. As we were getting ready for church S was complaining about a rash. I didn't really think much of it. Then when it was time to go, he was really complaining. He started taking off his clothes and he had a rash everywhere. It was bad. On Friday and Saturday he had been sick off and on with a sore throat and a fever. Now, this morning it was worse. So, DH took him to an urgent care center and he got diagnosed with strep throat and scarlet fever. He got a shot and will hopefully be better soon.
So, there are my 3 things. Hopefully nothing else will happen and we can enjoy the rest of the holidays!
December 10, 2007
Computer Problems
December 6, 2007
My Man!

December 4, 2007
A Little Prayer

December 3, 2007
Kid Drop-Off Problem
December 2, 2007

November 30, 2007
Santa Monica

DH and I went to this same spot for our first anniversary, so it was fun to go back 10 years and 4 kids later.
Of course we had to take tons of family pictures. Each family had their individual picture taken, we had big

Afterwards we went to the Bear Pit for lunch/dinner. It was yummy food. It's a family favorite and I've always heard a ton about it, so it was fun to actually

It was a great day for all!
November 23, 2007
Quick Post
~We've had fun spending time with family.
~We went to Santa Monica pier and hung out there for a while. Then we went out to lunch at the Bear Pit.
~ Thanksgiving dinner was YUMMY!
~Today we've been hanging out around the house, riding the quads, eating, and are about to go play some basketball!
In all the craziness of trying to get packed I failed to mention my dads' birthday. Happy Birthday Dad! My sister wrote the perfect post, so go there because I share the EXACT same thoughts and feelings as her, except for the fact that I'm the favorite, not her!
November 20, 2007
All Our Bags Are Packed
New Haircut!

November 15, 2007
Lots Going On, Bullet Blogging
~ DH took on a second job. He is stocking shelves 3 nights a week. I feel bad for him; the hours suck, he doesn't want to be doing it, I miss him, his feet hurt etc. I wish he didn't have to do it, but right now he does. I'm so glad that I have such a wonderful husband who is willing to sacrifice in order to provide for our family. Hopefully this isn't something he'll have to do for very long.
~ I'm slowly getting Christmas shopping done. I try to be done by Thanksgiving, but I doubt that'll happen this year. If I can at least be done by the first week of December, then I'll be good.
~ I'm finally losing weight!!! I'm so excited. This has been a struggle for me for quite a while. I lost weight, then had to have a hysterectomy and gained it all back. Ever since then it's been a battle. Now, something in my body finally clicked and I'm losing, FINALLY! I've lost 35 lbs. and 2 pant sizes!! Only 25 lbs. to go!
~ S started Little Hooopsters. It's a program for 1st and 2nd graders to prepare them for basketball. He likes going, but I'm not sure if it's because he's learning the sport, or if it's because he gets to be with his friends.
~ T is doing Basketball camp right now, and loves it. He is my little athlete. He's really improved in the last little while, and I hope he enjoys this season.
~ The girls are busy with dance, and loving every minute of it.
~ Yesterday I met up with 2 friends that I went to high school with. We had lunch and enjoyed catching up on each others' lives. It was great to see them again, and I hope that we'll get together more often since we don't live that far from each other!
~ We've been reading our scriptures really well lately. We've kind of sucked at it in the past. But, now the kids are very interested and love taking their turn at reading. We usually read about 1 page a day, which I know isn't much, but they have lots of questions and I'd rather they understand what is going on than read a lot just to get through it. We have a chart that says, "I HAVE READ THE BOOK OF MORMON". The letters are made up of squares, so that each time we read a chapter we get to color in a square. Once we've finished the saying will all be colored in. This is fun for the kids and they really want to get that chart filled! Some nights they even have to remind us to read.
~ I've been trying a lot of new recipes lately. Last night I made one called King Ranch Chicken (I got it from SIL), so delicious! And, this morning I made Brown Sugar Muffins for breakfast, also delicious! So, I leave you with the recipes:
King Ranch Chicken
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can cream of mushroom soup
1 can water
1 can Rotel
1 onion, chopped
3-4 chicken breasts, cooked and cubed
corn tortillas
cheddar cheese, shredded
Combine soups, water, Rotel and onion in a bowl. Tear tortillas into pieces and cover the bottom of a 9x13 pan. Layer chicken on top, and then sauce mixture. Repeat two more times and then top with cheese. Bake at 350 until cheese melts!
Brown Sugar Muffins
1/2 c. butter
1 c. brown sugar
2 c. flour
2 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 c. milk
1 egg
1 tsp. vanilla
Melt butter and brown sugar together. In a seperate bowl, combine flour, cinnamon, baking soda, and salt. Add melted mixture. Then add milk, egg, and vanilla. Bake at 350 for 15 minutes!
November 11, 2007
Driver License

November 8, 2007
So Rude!

November 7, 2007
A Precious Miracle

November 6, 2007
November 5, 2007
Trick or Treat

November 4, 2007
Happy Halloween, a little late

My internet hasn't been working great so I am just barely able to post some Halloween pictures. We had a very packed Halloween day.

S had a program at school that we went to. They sang a lot of cute songs. S loves to sing, and he's pretty good at it.

November 2, 2007
Girls Weekend

Saturday we slept in!! After everyone was up and dressed we had a yummy soup brunch. Then of us went shopping. I had to go home for a little so T and DH could go to the BYU football game. When the game was over, the girls got back together for more fun!
It was great being able to spend time with family and bond. I will look forward to next year with much anticipation!
October 29, 2007
Ear Candles

October 28, 2007
Not Ready for Winter

October 26, 2007
October 20, 2007
Go Cougars!

50 Years
Fifty years ago today my dad came to the United States from France. He was very excited for this day and even went out to dinner to celebrate. I wish I could've been there to celebrate with him! My dad is an amazing man and a constant example to me. Love you Pops!!
October 18, 2007
Finally, a Good Pack Night!

I was having kind of a crazy

I was glad that it was pack night and that it turned out to be so nice. It made my evening much better, and the kids behavior was much better too. T loves scouts and I'm so glad that things are getting better with the program.
October 15, 2007
Which Twilight Character Are You?
You're Bella Swan - You are intelligent and kind but not quite sure what you want out of life yet. You have a feeling there's something more out there for you. You're attracted to those who are real and avoid the fake. Sometimes you're a bit accident prone, but your true friends will always be loyal to you and come to your aid when you need it.
Take this quiz!
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October 13, 2007
Soccer Boys

October 9, 2007
Hannah Marie

They finally decided that they needed to just relax and try not to think about it too much. Not too long after that they found out they were pregnant! And it happened all on its own. No drugs, no help, nothing! They were thrilled, and so were we.
Hannah Marie came into the world a happy and healthy little girl. She is darling and her parents are thrilled to finally have her here. I know they will make good parents and can tell that they love her with all their hearts!
I'm so glad that we were able to make it to the blessing. Her dad gave her a beautiful blessing and the spirit was so strong during the meeting. She was a perfect angel the entire time. These little babies that Heavenly Father puts in our care are so precious and dear. I thank him every day for the children he has given me, and I'm sure Hannahs' parents do the same.