August 12, 2015

Longboarding Accident

Spencer fell off his longboard the other night.  After a couple frantic phone calls from the girls, we raced home to find a crying, broken, road rashed, boy.  We took him to the ER and they cleaned him all up and reset his bone.  He broke his radius pretty bad.  He's been in a lot of pain.  I feel really really bad for him.  One of the worst parts is that he's been practicing all spring and summer for football, and now he's out for the season right before the first game.  We went to see a surgeon on Monday and he thinks the bone will heal fine without surgery, we're crossing our fingers.  We go back next Monday to hopefully get a cast and not have surgery.  After we got that news, we thought we were in the clear, but the dr. found a broken bone in his hand.  He's going to show the x-rays to a hand surgeon.  So now we are also crossing our toes that he doesn't need hand surgery.  It's been quite the adventure for my Spencer.

He's trying to be super tough here.  You can see just a little bit of his road rash on his hip bone.  

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