Ever since M got her costumes and has been performing in competitions, J has been dying for her turn. When she finally did get her costume, she wanted to wear it ALL the time. She was so excited!
Their recital was Tuesday night, and it turned out SO cute. M did a great job.
J looked very nervous, but was still so cute. I've been very impressed with their studio. They went to a different studio before this one, and I was not that impressed with their dances, teachers, or costumes. This studio was an entire different experience. They were organized, the teachers were wonderful, the dances were cute, they learned and progressed, and the recital was great. Ovedrall it was a wonderful experience! M has found a real love for dancing. She really has gotten better this year and I'm excited to see her continue to excel. J had fun too. I'm not sure she had as much fun as M, but she is still little. I think it'll come with time.
They look sooo cute in their pretty costumes! :D
The girls look so cute. Mom said the recital was good.
What FUN! They are so cute--I really can't wait until my girls are old enough to do this too!!
Awwww, they both look so cute! I'm glad you found a studio that you like so much. (my daughter is NOT into dancing so it's fun to see your girls all dolled up!)
Very cute outfits. Our recital is tomorrow night. I'm so excited.
Awww dance recitals are so much fun!
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