March 21, 2008

A Requested Post

I've been asked several times by several different people how I've lost weight. I'm not really one who likes to talk about myself. I have an extremely low self esteem plus I would never want to sound like I was bragging about myself.

Ever since I had my first child, weight has been a constant battle for me. Growing up I never had a problem and had the misconception that I never would. Boy was I wrong. I gained about 60 pounds with my first. A huge amount. Then I think I probably only lost about 20 of that before I got pregnant again. The weight just kept coming on. I had all four of my kids in 4 1/2 years, so my body took a big hit. I wasn't one of the lucky ones who lost weight when they nursed either. In fact, I did just the opposite. I gained and gained. Finally I was sick of it and wanted to do something about it. So I did weight watchers and lost a little. Then of course I had another set back. I was having medical problems and ended up having to have a hysterectomy at the age of 27. For some lame reason I gained after that and had a really hard time losing. I guess it's just my luck.

Well, last year I had had enough. I was tired of looking the way I did. Tired of feeling so depressed and self conscious. Tired of being fat and ugly. So I decided it was time to get serious. Besides all those lovely things working against me, I LOVE food. I love chocolate, sweets, breads. I love to eat and will be the first to admit it. I knew I had some changes I needed to make if I was ever going to reach my goal. So I started really watching my portions. I started weight watchers again, but was SO tired of counting points. I kind of just did things on my own. I tried to stay away from all that fattening stuff that I love. I started to exercise again. That I believe has been the key. At first I wasn't exercising and I was losing, but then I was just at a stand still and knew that I needed an extra push. It's not always easy to stay motivated to exercise, especially when I don't have a gym membership and I just have to do it on my own. I have weeks when I'm really really good, and then some when I'm not so good. It's the same with eating.

I think, for me, as a mom it's been hard to diet because I'm cooking for my family and I want to be able to eat with them. I don't want them to remember mom always being on a diet or not being able to eat what they were. I don't want the focus to be on weight all the time. There is so much pressure for young kids from their friends and from the media, they don't need to be hearing about all that at home too. So, I've tried to tell them that I'm eating this way to be healthy so that I can play with them, hike with them, and have a long healthy life.

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't deprive myself by any means. If we are at a family dinner and there is cheesecake, you bet I'm going to have at least one piece. If I have a sudden urge for a Twix, I'll go buy it just as long as I don't do it every day. I still want to live my life and have fun. I still want to enjoy. So, when there is a special occasion, that is what I do. I enjoy. When I'm at home every day doing my every day stuff, that's when I really focus on eating well and watching portions. You've got to find a balance that works for you and stick to it.

Things have FINALLY started to click in my body. I started in July and have lost 50 pounds since!! The weight is coming off slowly, so I really have to be patient and not get discouraged. I still want to lose at least 17 pounds. That is my goal. That would put me at the high end of healthy for my age, height, etc. If I can lose more, I will. But, if I can get those last 17 pounds off I will be thrilled. I really need to work on getting things more toned too. I'm kind of lacking in that area, but I guess persistence is the key. I will get there!

I really wish it was easier than this to lose. But, at least for me, it isn't. I know this will be something that I have to be mindful of forever. But, I will be happier and healthier because of it when all is said and done.

I don't know if this was helpful or if this is even what people were looking for. But, there you have it. That is my journey.


Cheri said...

You should be very proud of yourself. Losing weight is so so hard.
Thanks for sharing your story.

Amanda said...

I am doing weight watchers and I love it. My problem is the exercise part of the whole weight loss thing. I need to make the time to do it. That is the hard part for me. Once I do it, I feel great. It is just a matter of doing it.

Congrats on your success!!! I am losing weight, slowly but surely!

Chellie said...

I think that's awesome.

You are keeping it real! You are not telling us that there is some miracle and you lost it all in 3 months. :) I think that is so important and I also have heard of people giving up because it doesn't all melt away fast.

Losing weight is a LIFESTYLE change. It's about changing what you were doing before and watching portions and exercising moderately, without depriving yourself.

You did it exactly right!! I'm so *proud* of you!

I think many people that are trying to lose weight will appreciate your insight.

Lei said...

You go girl! That is awesome! You have to be so proud of yourself!

Tori :) said...

You are AWESOME and inspiring!! Thanks!

Yvonne said...

That is so wonderful--I agree with everyone else. You should be very proud of yourself. Way to go. You are doing it exactly like we should--by watching our portions. I appreciate so much your words. You are so right about your children not thinking you are always on a diet. (Believe me, that CAN lead to serious problems, especially with your daughters) Your reason to want to be healthy is exactly what they need to remember.

Thank you.

c. griffith said...

Thanks for sharing! I am not one of those lucky ones either that just loses it after a baby or nursing. It is definitely a struggle. You should be so proud. 50 lbs is amazing!

I have a good life said...

I am so proud of you! What an inspiration you are. I hope you get to come out to Texas and show off those lost 50! :)

lera said...

Congratulations! What an accomplishment!

Melissa said...

Wow that is great...losing weight just plain sucks but when we finally loose it feels great!!!! Thanks for the awesome story! keep up the amazing work!

SevenVillageIdiarts said...

YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!! And especially your full body shot near Thanksgiving! WOW! You don't look like you've had ANY kids! I am really going to try and follow your lead. . . I was telling all the Idiarts how great you looked at a family dinner and they ALL wanted to know what you've done because we've been really wanting to do that as a family, and now I can have them all read and be inspired! You're the best, love you, OH, and you were never fat and ugly, you've always been gorgeous. . . I know, I was your roommate, I've seen you early in the morning and late at night! S

Rowberries said...

Hi Valerie- This is Chris's Becca. I just wanted to say that it meant a lot to hear your story. It makes me want to keep going and gave me hope that I am not the only one that feels that way about their weight. Great job! Cute Kids and Happy day!

Unknown said...

Very, neat post. Thank you for sharing it with us.

Gave me goosebumps

Rowberry Family said...

WOW! What an inspiration you are val! It takes alot of dedication, motivation and strength to do all of this. Your doing a great job! Keep up the good work!

Iam one of those that have a slower metabolism adn takes me forever to lose just a few pounds. Last year i worked my butt off for about six months! Exersizing, eating well and trying my hardest! I didnt lose much, I was getting more fit, but lost motivation cause I couldnt see the difference.I felt good though, because of the endorphines that exersize sends in your body!

Now Iam back in the stage again where I was last year and I want to try harder again! Iam going to be doing dome naturaul cleanse's, my hope is to buy a bike, do more walking and at least do one physical activity a day!

Thanks so much for doing this blog post! Thanks for taking the time :)

Saedi said...

You're amazing! Guess what! I finally got a blog of my very own. Here it is.
Am I cool enough to be your friend now? Give us a call so we can play games! Love ya!

just jamie said...

Congratulations and bravo. I love your attitude!

Jared and Shalynn said...

Hey! Our dance class was way fun. It was fun getting to know you! After this baby comes out I'm sure I'll be up for doing another class :)

Acacia said...

WOW! That was really inspiring, and exactly what I needed to hear right now. Your approach seems so healthy in the physical and mental/emotional sense. Congratulations on all your accomplishments!

Nancy Face said...

Yay! You go, girl! :D

I started getting a bit overweight as a child, so I've struggled with this issue for my entire life. Like you, I love food. I love SWEETS! It's ridiculous, but I don't eat to live...I live to EAT!

I also want to look good and avoid the diabetes that runs rampantly in my family. Healthy eating alone doesn't work for me. Exercising alone doesn't, either. The only way I can successfully lose weight and keep it off is by combining the two. It isn't fun, and it takes lots of time, but it's worth it to me.

I've pretty much decided that I will be "on a diet" for the rest of my life, but that's okay with me, because I honestly feel better and younger than I did 15 years ago when I was lots heavier! Like you, I will enjoy special occasions, but then go back to eating healthy again the next day! It makes life a lot more fun! :)

Company EIGHT said...

That is an amazing story, and I love the way you told it. You definitely are an inspiration to everyone, but especially to someone like me who is also had an issue with weight forever. Good for you, and congrats!

Cecily R said...

I am impressed! And inspired. What an accomplishment! Thanks for sharing your secret...who would have though it was hard work? :)

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! I find the hardest thing for me is motivaiton. I am so lacking in that right now.

Forney RS said...

as is evident, you're inspiring so many people. Isn't it amazing when we have moments like this when we can see what we're doing and how it's actually helping other people?

I'm so happy for your success! you're beautiful!

Misty said...

You SHOULD be proud of yourself. I'm in the same boat, needing to lose weight that is.....

Tiffany said...

Way to go Val. I think it's great you have done it is such a healthy way. That blesses not only you, but your children too! Love you, tiff

Nettie said...

I think you should feel very proud of yourself. I think losing weight is one of the hardest things anyone can do, especially if you love food! I've been trying to be healthier and start exercising again, too. You inspire me!

Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am proud of you!!

Ugh, I hate dieting, but it so worth it. You are right, excercise IS the key.

Gabriela said...

Wow, way to go! Sounds like you are really sticking with it. I agree with you-exercise is key! We have to burn more than we intake to lose. I hear you on eating-one of the main reasons I work out is so I can eat.

Keep up the great work-it will feel so good to get that last 17!

Melanie said...

Val! You truly are amazing! Good for you! I got really lucky and lost a ton of weight after the baby girl, but the idea of gaining it all back after she stops breastfeeding haunts me day and night. You have inspired me in the battle to keep it off!
I have to remind myself to eat just one girl scout cookie...not a whole box of girl scout cookies. (sad, but true)

chrissy said...

Wow, that's awesome! Slow and steady is the way to do it. It seems like everyone is looking for a quick fix. Good luck with the last few pounds!

Misty said...

I moved. I would love it if you would follow me over to:

Love, Misty

obat asam urat said...

awesome, very nice blod .. his article is equally good