May 11, 2006

How Many Times Can A Mom Go To The School?

This morning after I got T and M off to school, I started to get everyone else ready. I dropped S off at preschool, and then hurried home to get J ready so that we could go to the bank with Ry. We got there and out in a timely manner!! Then, I ran up to the school to drop off my order form for carnival tickets. After that I went to the school bank to make a deposit (one of my fun PTA jobs). Then, I hurried to Springville to get J to a make up ballet class on time. I left her there to go get S from school, and then head straight back to pick J up. On our way home we stopped and got Matthew so the boys could play. However, I forgot that I needed to be back to the school to count all the money from presale orders. So, lucky me took three little munchkins to go count the money. While we were there S had to go to the bathroom. Fine, I thought. I was wrong. He had gone poop and couldn't wipe. I had to run around the whole school to get T out of class so he could go help his bro. We got back to the bathroom and they were in there for like 5 min. Then, S was crying. He couldn't get it all out because it was hurting. So finally T convinced him to pull up his pants and leave the bathroom. I then took him in to the teacher's bathroom, helped him finish, and started counting money again. Finally I was done!! Left the school, took the kids home so they could play and eat. Well, about 15 min. later M called. She had an accident at school and needed new panties. So I brought them to her, but when I got there she said she didn't know, but she also needed to new pants. I turned around, went home, got the pants, and brought them back to the school. She changed, I got the wet clothes, loaded the kids in the car again, and went home. Now we just finished homework, I'm doing laundry, and we are getting ready to go to the carnival. At first I was looking forward to it. I would let the kids play for a little bit, then at 7:30 when Ry gets home from work, he would get the kids and I would stay and count all the money for a final deposit. Well, I forgot that he has 2 baseball games tonight and probably won't be home until midnight. So now I get to count money with all my wonderful helpers when they should be in bed and when they are going to be very tired from all the carnival fun. I'm so excited. I love being a mom!! So, I guess that means I will have been to the school 7 times today!

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