October 27, 2016

Sr. Drill

I have always always loved watching Kenzie dance!  
She is a beautiful dancer and you can tell she absolutely loves it.
I can't believe this is her senior year and her last year to be on the drill team.

Kenzie is a co-captain this and is really enjoying that.
She is one dedicated girl.  She gets up early on her own, has excellent grades, has a job, is almost finished with Personal Progress, sets and achieves her goals, and so much more!

My cute Las Chalita!

Drill Team 2016-1017

What a great talented group of girls!

October 24, 2016

Fall Break Day 3

Kenzie had to take the ACT in the morning and when she got back we were off to the Red Barn. 
We took a hay ride out to the "back forty" where there were many activities to enjoy.

We made it through the corn maze very quickly!
The kids also went down a giant slide.  I think they were the oldest ones to do it, but who cares, they had fun doing it!

They each picked out a pumpkin.  Now we need to find a time to carve them.
Afterwards we got some yummy treats.  Ry and I got an apple cider slush with ice cream in it, delicious!  Who knew that would be so tasty? The kids each got an ice cream and then we got apple cider donuts to take home.

When we got home we cleaned the church and then the kids were off in all different directions.  Kenz went on a group date to a haunted house.  She was pretty nervous and when she got back said that it was very scary.  I do not like haunted houses at all.  Spencer got hamburgers and went to spend the evening with his good friend who had knee surgery.  They spent the evening playing video games and just hanging out.  I feel bad for him, knee surgery is no fun, and he is going to be out for quite a while.  Jo brought a pizza to her friends house and they enjoyed just hanging out together.  Ry and I went out to dinner with his sister, her husband, and his mom.  It was her birthday so we went to celebrate.  After that we went to the mall so I could get some new shoes!  When we got home we collapsed on the couch and were ready to just relax. 

Fall Break Day 2

Ryan FINALLY got home, so we took advantage of it and spent some fun family time together.  We went to a place called Exit Strategy where you get locked in a room and you have to find clues to unlock other clues and eventually get out of the room before your hour runs up.

Our room was based off of the game "Clue".  So, not only did we have to get out of the room but we also had to solve the game.  It was a ton of fun!  We loved working together to try and figure out combinations, clues, locks, and puzzles.  We got out of the room with just a few minutes to spare and then used those minutes to finish solving the game, which we did!  We loved it and are ready to go back for our next challenge.  Maybe we can do it over Christmas break.

Fall Break Day 1

Ry was out of town and I had to work Wednesday night, so the kids spent the night with their cousins.  I'm so super grateful for family that is willing to step in and help out.  Kenzie had to go to work, but Spencer and Jo got to go to the 7 Peaks Halloween Spooktacular with the Brandts.

Marshall & Spencer with Penny close behind!
I think a fun time was had by all.

Afterwards they got treated to a yummy dessert from Menchies!

Such cute kids!
Thanks Dani for helping out and spoiling the kids.

After Kenzie got home we went to Café Rio for dinner and then went to the movies.  It was nice to have an evening without cooking or cleaning and just enjoying time with my kids!

Spencer Plays Football

Spencer has been playing football this year and is really enjoying it.  He doesn't get much playing time, but he's got a great attitude about it.  He shows up to practice and works hard every day.  I'm pretty proud of all that he's accomplished this far.

Love this picture of him!

Creepy Kenzie

The last Varsity football game of the season was last Wednesday.  The drill team did their zombie dance.  I think Kenz looked pretty creepy.  I can't believe that was her last time dancing on the football field.  Where did the time go?

Leilany, Kenzie, and Tamsen
These 3 girls have really enjoyed being on the drill team together the last 3 years.  They've made a lot of fun memories together!

Senior Zombies!

Spencer thinks Jo looks like his friend, so I made them take a picture together and I think he's right.
Both are beautiful!

From My Missionary!!

I absolutely LOVE getting pictures and emails from my amazing missionary.  His last email was fun and he told us what a great time he's having.  They got to go to the L.A. Temple, which he loved.  They did a session there and he said that he especially liked it because that is where his dad and I were married.  I love his smile in this picture, it shows how truly happy he is!

This one makes me laugh.  It just sums up his fun personality.  He was excited to get a little bit of rain.  He said it only lasted about 10 minutes, but that it felt so nice for those brief moments.

Tanner, or should I say Elder Davies got to be part of 2 baptisms!  He was thrilled to be able to be there and said this cute girl was so excited too!

His other baptism!

Overall Elder Davies is doing wonderful!  He's learning a lot of new things and I can already tell that his testimony has grown by leaps and bounds.  What a wonderful example he is to me!  I think these young missionaries are so brave.  It takes a lot of faith and courage to do what they do!

Witches Weekend 2016

We had our annual Witches Weekend a few weeks ago.  It's always a good time for us.  I'm pretty lucky to have such amazing in-laws that I get along with.  My MIL is pretty awesome!

All dressed up and ready for our witch pictures.

Stephanie and I.  These are just a few of the many pictures we took.  I still need to get them.  We went to a cute little farm and took a lot of fun pictures.  Once again we had a great time, ate good food, played some fun games, had laughs, and just enjoyed being together.

Annual Fishing Trip

Ry made his way up to Idaho last week for his annual fishing trip.  He's really enjoyed going and spending time with family, especially his dad and brother.  I think it's been a lot of fun for him to go and make those memories.  This year he did pretty well.  He brought some of his catches home, so I guess that means it's time for a fish fry.  I might need to get a little help on that one.

She FINALLY got it!

Kenzie finally got her license.  She was kind of slow at getting it seeing how she's already 17 1/2.  I because she's always super busy and has friends that drive, getting her license just wasn't a priority for her.  But, once she got her permit and decided she did want it, she was thrilled.  She asked me if I was going to take her picture and I said "Of course!".  She then told me that she wanted to jump in her picture.  She's such a fun girl to be around and I think her picture turned out super cute!

October 15, 2016

September 2016

Our month has been full of busy-ness. 
Ryan flew to AZ with some friends to go to the BYU vs. AZ game.
They had a great time together!

Went to visit Grandma Davies for FHE. 
Notice how well the children are "visiting".  At least they weren't fighting.
I'd call that a success;)

A little hanging out time with my girl!

The girls moved downstairs into each of the boys' rooms, so a little redecorating was needed.  Jo picked this cute turquoise with one of the walls a chalkboard wall.  Turned out super cute.  Kenz chose gray and pink, also cute.  Spencer moved upstairs and now has a huge room all to himself.
  He loves that! 

Cute little miss Penny Jane invited me to her birthday party!  She is such a cute thing, always smiling, and is the best present opener I've ever seen!

We got to chaperone the STOMP at the high school.  Lucky us!

Took a Sunday drive up the canyon to check out all the beautiful fall colors.  We will be doing that again very soon.  I love when the leaves change colors, it's so beautiful!

Elder Davies and Elder Cottle in the MTC!
I sure love and miss that boy of mine!

October 6, 2016

Payson Temple

We are making a goal to be better at attending the temple.  Our first temple we visited was the Payson Temple.  It was a beautiful day.  I was surprised at how fast we got in and out.  At our stake conference the temple president came and spoke to us.  He told us that the Payson Temple is only being used 33% to capacity.  So, there is a lot of work to be done.  Hopefully we can keep going.  There is always such a wonderful feeling when you go to the temple, a feeling that I want to have with me as often as possible.  It was a good day for all of us!

Homecoming 2016

Kenzie & Nathan lookin' good for Homecoming!

They had a really fun group and a good time was had by all.

Love this girl of mine.  We got a steal on her dress.  It was originally $100, but because of some tears around the waist it was marked down to $19.00!  SOLD!  A quick repair by grandma and the dress was all ready to go.  Kenz loved it and it looked fantastic on her!

A tradition at our school is for the boys to do a "drill" routine during the Homecoming half time show.  They are called the Las Enchiladas.  Spencer participated this year and it was hilarious!  I love it and love that he is willing to get involved and enjoy his high school years!

Front and center for this Las Enchilada!

And, of course the girls play Powder Puff.  They did pretty good this year. 
Such a fun group of girls!

October 3, 2016

Bittersweet Day

Elder Tanner Davies
Arcadia California Mission
August 31, 2016

 Even though these 2 had their moments, more often than not, they really are good friends and I know that they love each other.  His last night at home Tanner went to bed and I was still up.  About 30 minutes later, he came out of his room and went into get his brother.  They had to have one last sleep over together before he left.  It was really a sweet moment for me to witness.  That of course sent me into silent tears.  Tears because I will miss seeing them together.

Mom & Dad with their missionary.
A bittersweet moment for sure.

My Boy, oh how I love him!

A little bit of chatting just minutes before drop off time.

Father & Son

My 4 kids!
I love how much they love each other.  It was a very emotional day for everyone as we said goodbye Tanner.  Luckily it's just a temporary goodbye.  And we all know he is off to do great things!

Kenz & Tanner
She was the first to take her picture with him and I don't know why, but I started crying right away.  She really looks up to her big brother, and has always been there for her right from the beginning.  I know she will miss him dearly.

Oldest and youngest.
Jo has been the one who has been the most open with her emotions of Tanner leaving.  She cried when the call came in the mail, when he opened his call, at his setting apart, at his farewell, saying goodbye, and afterwards.  She's been my little crying partner.  I know she's excited for him, but she'll definitely miss having big brother around all the time.

This was the hardest thing I have ever done.  I know it's not goodbye forever.  But giving that last hug was not an easy thing to do.  In fact, I hugged him after all the kids had their turn and then Ry hugged him and he started to gather his things to walk away.  I had to stop him, for one last hug.  Needed to squeeze him tight and let him know how much I love him and that I'll be praying for him every single day and how incredibly proud of him I am.  Whew, that was tough!

Such a blessing to have a son who is willing to go and serve for 2 years.  I know he'll do great things.  I had to put off posting this because I knew it would bring back a flood of emotions, and I was right.  I sure love this kid with all my heart!

One last shot of the family before we sent him off.
So very grateful for the promises of eternal families.  That knowledge gets me through the hard days when I miss him fiercely.  What a wonderful plan Heavenly Father has given to us!