This year for the drill trip we went to Orlando, Florida!! We spent 3 days at Disney World, 1 day of competition, 1 day at Harry Potter World aka Universal Studios, and 1 day relaxing by the pool. It was a blast. We didn't waste a single minute of our time there. We were busy busy busy, and yet I know there were so many things that we missed. I've never been there before and so I didn't know what to expect at any of the parks. My favorite thing at Animal Kingdom was right at the beginning when they were opening the park, a bunch of beautiful birds were released and went flying over our heads. The colors were brilliant and it was so cool to see them flying right there so close to us. The Rockin' Roller Coaster at Hollywood Studios was a favorite as was Tower of Terror. We saw animals, watched a 4D "Bug's Life" show, rode lots of rides, ate yummy food, saw the Indiana Jones show, watched the competition, sat in the sun, got in the pool, and so so so much more. What a blast!

The highlight of the trip for Kenzie and I was Harry Potter World! We LOVED it! I have been wanting to go there for a very long time. We are both huge HP fans. Kenzie was super cute, she was like a little kid on Christmas morning. She just enjoyed every single part of it. She got a wand and was casting spells all over the place. We drank frozen Butterbeer, YUM! We rode the Hogwarts Express, got a chocolate frog with Dumbledore's card, went to Gringott's, and just enjoyed being there together. They really did a great job. It felt like we were in the movie. I of course needed to have some sort of HP gear, so I got a Gryffindor sweatshirt. I'd say HP was a huge success!
I'm so glad I got to go and spend time with Kenzie making memories. She's an awesome girl and I'm lucky to be her mama. The only downfall of the trip for me was that I got sick the last day. Luckily it was the day we spent at the pool, but unfortunately we were already checked out of our hotel so I couldn't lay in a bed. The hot sun was not my friend, so I stayed covered with wet towels, It was pretty pathetic. I was super sick for like 4 days and then didn't get completely better for about a week and half. Lame. But, that aside Florida was amazing, and I'm so happy I got to spend it with my girl!