Well, the first day of school has come and gone and so has the first week. We weren't really ready for school to start, but I don't know if we ever are. I think we are once again getting the hang of things.
T is a Freshman.
I can't believe T is a Freshman this year. I very clearly remember my first day of high school, I even remember what I wore. I had a blast in high school and I really hope T does too. He also started seminary. They are studying the New Testament this year and I think he's pretty excited for that. It will be a big year for him in many ways, a lot of big milestones for him! He plays on a club soccer team this year and is doing well. He plans on trying out for the high school soccer and basketball teams. He is also busy with Young Men's and Scouts. He is working his way towards Eagle!!
M is going into 8th grade. |
M is always such a pleasant person to be around. She just kind of goes with the flow. She likes her schedule and is eager to learn new things. I think she will do well again! She of course will be very busy with school work and 12 hours of dance each week. She has gotten to be quite a good dancer, I love to watch her. She is also working on her Personal Progress goals. She just earned her Faith ribbon which makes 2 and is working on Knowledge.
Big Bad 6th grader.
S is the king of the school this year. 6th grade, WOW! S is a free-spirited, tender-hearted, intelligent boy. He keeps busy with karate and is looking forward to basketball season. He also keeps busy with Scouts. He really likes his leaders and they learn and do a lot of fun things.
My baby is going into 5th.
I realized the other day that I only have 2 years left of Elementary school, then we will be done with that phase of our life. CRAZY or cra cra if you ask J. She is a sweet girl! She can also be a little sassy pants but we still love her. J is in dance again this year but is also deciding that she really like softball. I wonder which she will end up liking more. She loves going to activity days, playing with friends, dancing with her sister, and cooking in the kitchen with me!