I dropped these 3 cute girls off at the airport this morning. They are off to Maryland for 3 weeks! We sure are going to miss M around here, she add so much to our family. But, I'm excited for her. What a fun opportunity to go spend some time with her cousin. I hope they have the best of times!
June 30, 2011
June 29, 2011
30 Day Blog:" Why, Oh Why?", Day 3
June 28, 2011
30 Day Blog:" Why, Oh Why?", Day 2
June 27, 2011
30 Day Blog:" Why, Oh Why?", Day 1
2- 15 things you adore about your spouse.
3- A regret you have from/about high school.
4- Your favorite person to be around.
5- Your most dreaded house chore.
6- Create your life soundtrack.
7- A deceased person you admire.
8- The best advice your dad ever gave you.
9- Your biggest fear.
10- Your favorite winter activity.
11- Something you feel you've improved in yourself and you're proud of.
12- A simple pleasure in life you could never live without.
13- Your favorite outfit that makes you feel good.
14- A favorite amusement park you've been to.
15- A pet peeve you could kill over.
16- Your most prized material possession.
17- The best quality your mother passed on to you.
18- Your favorite part of the Christmas holiday.
19- Your top 10 bucket list items.
20- Music you never get tired of no matter how much it's played.
21- Your idea of the perfect retirement.
22- The vacation of your dreams.
23- Your most exciting sports experience to date.
24- Your favorite summer activity.
25- Your most peaceful place to be.
26- Your favorite childhood game.
27- The most romantic movie & song of all time.
28- Your favorite scenic picture.
29- Your go-to pick-me-up.
30- A quality you admire/consider a strength in yourself.
June 26, 2011
S with his Papa
June 24, 2011
T and I enjoyed a few games of Jenga the other day. We got that tower pretty high! Check out that concentration, so cute!
Jenna is Going to BYU!
My cute niece Jenna started BYU on Monday. We got to go see her in her dorm while she was getting all set up. I can't believe my little "pickle" is in college.
Fire Pit
We got DH this fun fire pit for Father's Day! So, on Monday night we invited some friends over for a weenie roast. Then my friend made a yummy apple dumpling dessert. So fun!
June 23, 2011
Father's Day
Activity Days Hike
I went with the activity days girls on a hike yesterday. It was more like a walk on a path, rather than a hike, but the girls all enjoyed it. Afterwards we stopped at the park and had a snack. This was M's last activity day because soon she will be going into Young Women's!
June 22, 2011
Homemade Pretzels
I made these yummy pretzels for lunch today. We dipped them in some nacho cheese sauce. Super delish!
So Rude!
Pack Night: BYU Reptile Show
June 16, 2011
Girls Camp in Manti
M got home from Girls Camp yesterday. She had a great time. DH went up Tuesday night and spent the night there, and then I was able to go Wednesday and spend the evening there for Bishopric night. It was fun seeing her interact with everyone and she was excited to tell me all about what they had been doing. I can't believe she is old enough to go to camp. I have many fond memories of all the years I went to camp. I loved it and I hope she loves it just as much. There were a ton of mosquitos there. I think I counted 22 bites that I have and I was only there for an evening. M is covered in bites, DH of course got none. He never does, so unfair. After dinner and testimony meeting Wednesday we walked to the Manti Temple to watch the dress rehearsal of the "Mormon Miracle Pageant". DH and I didn't stay for the whole thing because we still had an hour drive home. We got home around midnight. My parents stayed with the kids so we could go, which I thought was so nice. I felt bad that they didn't get home until almost 1:00 a.m. I was happy that we were able to go and spend some time at camp. I still love it even as an adult! M was exhausted when she got home and took a long nap. What a great experience for us all!
June 13, 2011
Parade and Our Saturday
On Saturday the girls danced in the parade for Art City Days.
They were exhausted by the end of the parade, but they did a great job. And of course they were super cute. After the parade we ate at J Dawgs, probably the best hot dog place ever. Then we went home, DH napped, I cleaned, J watched T.V., M packed for girls camp, S went to a birthday party, and we all waited for T to get home from his scout overnighter. After he was home and showered and everyone else was done with their stuff, we headed over to Seven Peaks for some water park fun. It was a great Saturday!
Boise Ironman 70.3

June 6, 2011
We Don't Have A Lot of Secs
June 2, 2011