April 29, 2011
Where Are We Going?
I got everyone packed last night to go to our various destinations. Where are we going?
DH- Costa Rica for a little mission reunion.
The girls and I- Off to a dance competition.
The boys- Sleepover at cousins and then to grandmas.
It'll be a busy weekend!
April 27, 2011
Go Lions!
April 21, 2011
The Wedding
I never really posted pictures of Michael and JaNee's wedding. They got married on March 31 at Red Butte Gardens in Salt Lake. The weather was perfect and I thought JaNee looked beautiful. Now all of us kids are married. I really like JaNee & am excited to have a new sister!
The babies were so cute in their matching clothes.
Love them!!!
My sisters look super cute in this photo, me not so much, but I had to post it anyways!
I sure love my family!
April 20, 2011
FHE~Easter Eggs
April 19, 2011
Spring Break, Friday, Saturday & Sunday
On Friday morning I went with 2 of my SIL's to a scrapbook warehouse sale. There were so many good deals there. I got some fun paper and photo albums for pretty cheap, not to mention the stuff I got there the day before:) I love a good bargain. After lunch we worked on a craft, but we still need to finish it. I guess we have time, since it is for Halloween! The rest of the day we relaxed and then went to some friends' house for dinner. We are so lucky to have such good friends. The kids get along, the adults get along, there is always good food, we play fun games, we have good conversations, it's great!

On Saturday I met up with some friends for a yummy lunch at Zupa's. I love Zupa's, quite possibly one of my favorite places to eat. We had an enjoyable time eating and talking without any interruptions from our sweet little ones. It was a needed break!

Saturday night we had our April Family Birthday party. Only there aren't any birthdays in April, odd. So, we decided to go to the Legacy Center for some swimming fun. The kids love swimming and now they are all geared up for 7 Peaks this summer, only 6 more weeks! Then we went to my SIL's house for homemade Cafe' Rio salads. Delish! Loved it!
Sunday we went to church. I taught sharing time, which went pretty well. I love the children and their sweet testimonies. We went for a long walk with the kids and then came home, had dinner, and watched a movie. Then it was off to bed. I can't believe Spring Break is over:(
April 18, 2011
Spring Break, Thursday
On Thursday we went to my mom's house and had lunch and hung out with them for a while. The kids had fun jumping on the trampolines, playing basketball, and playing with the babies.
A little while later, my friend sent me a text and said that they were going to Yogurt Bliss, so we decided to go meet them there. The picture of the boys didn't quite turn out, so here are the boys. S went to some baseball games with his friend and didn't get home until late.
Ange, Yoho, Reggie, Dad, and Tal came over for dinner that night. We had pasta and some yummy treats. After dinner we watched "Volcano". It was a great day!
Spring Break, Wednesday
April 13, 2011
Spring Break, Tuesday
The kids and I spent all morning cleaning. Then, Papa and Talia came over. We decided to take a walk to the park. It was a perfect day for the park, not too hot and not too cold.
There are a lot of fun things to do at this park. I have a feeling we will be spending a lot of time at this park during the summer. The park also has a splash pad that we haven't tried out yet, but I'm sure we will as soon as it opens.
Grandma met us a little later and brought pizza for everyone to enjoy!
We kind of just relaxed the rest of the day until DH got home. Then we had dinner and watched the new "Alice in Wonderland". It's a weird movie, but the kids enjoyed it. That was our day.
We played "Minute-to-Win-It" with some friends for FHE.
It was a blast
We played nose-dive:
Put vaseline on your nose and move the cottonballs from one side of the table to the other.
Face the Cookie:
Put a cookie on your forehead and move your face around to get the cookie in your mouth.
Elephant March:
Wear panty hose on your head (put a ball or an orange in the foot of the panty hose), swing your "trunk" around to knock over 2 rows of cups. No hands allowed.
Hang Nail:
Hang nails on a rope, we tried for 6, but most got only 3.
There are a ton of different games that you can play. Everyone had a great time. I definitely think we will be playing more minute to win it games in the future!
April 12, 2011
Spring Break, Monday
Monday morning we got up early and drove to the Sweet's Candy Factory in Salt Lake.
We went with Ari and her 3 kids and their grandparents, Travis & Brenda and their kids,
and Grandma Davies.
Before we could walk through the factory we had to take off all our jewelery, sunglasses, hats, and jackets. We had to check in our purses, cameras, and phones. And we had to wear these nice hair nets and beard nets (for those who needed them). We all looked pretty silly, so of course we had to get a picture of that.
The factory was huge. We saw how they make taffy, cinnamon bears (my fav!), orange sticks, peanut clusters, jelly beans (which take a week to make), and much more. We got to have some samples and then of course we had to buy some treats at the end. The kids all loved it!
After the factory we drove to Heritage Park where the "This is the Place" monument is. We were going to spend some time there, but all of the houses were closed.
Instead we stayed outside of the park and had a picnic.
Then, we headed across the street to Hogle Zoo.
We got to go on a fun little train ride.
The kids all got to go on the carousel.
I guess all the kids except T got to ride the carousel. I had to get him an adult ticket and spaced out adding a carousel ticket for him. He was a good sport about it though.
We saw some pretty cool animals there.
This iguana was huge.
The kids loved the giant turtles.
We saw elephants,
and my favorite of the day, this cute little monkey!
It was a fun-filled day.
We drove home and got J to softball practice just in the nic of time.
~Sunday we went to Mom & Dad's for dinner.
~We are so ready for spring.
~DH's job is going well, he's really enjoying it!
April 10, 2011
April 9, 2011
April 6, 2011
Brothers and Sisters
April 5, 2011
April 4, 2011
Weekend Crafting
April 3, 2011
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