This afternoon I was doing stuff around the house and noticed that I was a little cold,
but didn't think anything of it because I'm usually colder than most people. So, I went about cleaning, doing dishes, and switching the laundry. While I was in the laundry room (which is also where our furnace is), I could hear the furnace trying to kick on. It would light, but then would go out. It kept doing this over and over. I went down to check the thermostat and it was set at 68, but our house was only at 66 and working it's way down. I called the hubby and he said he would be home as soon as he could. When he got home he went right to work. About 5 hours later he was still trying to figure out what the heck was wrong. How can we have a broken furnace? It's 10 degrees outside we need heat. Luckily we were able to get a hold of a guy in our ward and he came over and helped us out at a much cheaper price.
Super nice of him. It's working for now and hopefully it stays that way.
Oh, I forgot to mention that in order to get to the coils to clean them we had to cut a hole in our wall. Now we have a huge hole in the wall to fix, but at least we have heat!