It's that time of year where we get to go to all sorts of programs.
The second graders put on an adorable program. They either sang a song or recited a poem for each month of the school year. My favorite was January. They sang a song about hot cocoa.
It's c c c c cold outside.
I'm fr fr fr fr freezing.
My nose is getting runny (sniff sniff).
I hope I don't start sneezing (Achooo).
My t t t t tootsies are
F -R- O- Z- E- N
that's frozen!
If I count them, I'm not sure if I would still have ten.
I want a hot cup of cocoa,
with a marshmellow or two.
I want a hot cup of liquid love only the chocolate kind will do.
I want a hot cup of cocoa to warm me up from head to toe.
Mix it in a mug, pour it in a cup, serve it on a platter, and warm me up!
With a h h h h hot,
c c c c cup,
of co co co co cocoa!
It was such a cute program, and J is such a cute girl!!