On Sunday, T turned 12!
Holy Cow! How is he 12?
Doesn't he look super handsome in his new suit?

Here he is in the morning opening some new ties to wear with his new suit.
He's in his Futsal Championship T-shirt, which his team won Saturday morning.

Blowing out candles in his 4-layer dessert.
When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he kind of hesistated.
Then I told him that he didn't have to have a cake, he could have whatever he wanted,
and he chose 4-layer dessert. A yummy choice!!
Sunday afternoon he received the priesthood!
What an amazing experience. He has been so excited for this milestone. For the last few Sundays he has been carefully watching the sacrament being passed, so that he can be ready when it's his turn. DH gave him a wonderful blessing and I of course was very emotional. I can't believe that I have two priesthood holders in my home now. How wonderful and amazing! I am so proud of T and the decisions he has made in his life. I feel so blessed to be his mom. He is a wonderful young man. He's athletic, smart, kind, great with young kids, a good worker, has a good sense of humor, and will honor his priesthood. I love him with all my heart!
After church we had some family come over for dinner and dessert. It was nice to have everyone there, and to know that they were there supporting T. It was truly a wonderful day!