DH worked all day yesterday, so the kids and I just hung out all day and relaxed. In the morning I got up and ran (yes I'm trying the running thing AGAIN). Then I ran to the store to get a few things. I hate shopping on Saturdays, it's like everyone is there. I did get cereal for $1/box, so that made it worthwhile. Then I came home cleaned, did laundry, cooked, watched the girls dance, read, and listened to the kids playing so nicely!
T went to a scout merit badge day at the church. He got all the requirements done to earn his First Aid Merit Badge! He'd done all the requirements before, but somehow his card that he earned got lost, so he had to redo it all, so that he could get the merit badge. Oh well. I think he had fun and it kept him busy for the entire afternoon!

I went to check on the boys last night, and they had both fallen asleep upstairs watching a movie. We had a big box up there that still hadn't made it to the trash that the boys had taken and made beds out of. It was hilarious. S put his "bed" on top of the weight bench. I'm sure glad he didn't fall of it during the night. Crazy kid!

Here's T sound asleep.

Last night was our monthly family birthday dinner. Aubrey is the only one who has a birthday in January. Since there are so many of us, we just do one big birthday each month for everyone. We always have a theme for the month and a theme for birthdays. This months dinner theme was salads and sandwiches. So, everyone brought something different. We always eat so well at our dinners! Yum! Our birthday gift theme this year is rectangles. The gift you give has to be shaped like a rectangle. In years past we've done drinks, and chocolate. Aubrey got some stickers in a rectangle package, some rectangle flash cards to put in a rectangle bag, and some eggs in a rectangle carton, because she loves eggs! Too funny.

As I was downloading my pictures I found about 15 pictures of bears. Bears in differnet outfits, bears in groups, bears alone, bears in all sorts of poses. While T was at scouts, the other 3 kiddos spent hours playing with their bears. I can't believe how long they stayed busy doing this. They were having a great time. They even did a little photo shoot of their bears, I thought that was too funny I had to post one of them.
After the kids went to bed, I worked on my lesson for RS. I'm subbing for someone.
I hope it turns out okay. I always get so nervous.