A view of the Provo Temple from the "Y".

I was so proud that J actually made it.
She's kind of wimpy when it comes to hikes or anything super athletic.
But, she did a great job and was so excited to be on the "Y".

T,M, and S were loving their time up there.
This morning we hiked the "Y" with our Idiart cousins. The kids have been wanting to do this for a while and were so excited that we were finally going to do it. The boys got up to the top quickly and had to wait for the rest of us slow pokes to catch up. It is quite the hike. I think I should do it like twice a week. It would totally be good exercise. Sarah is hilarious. She was making me laugh the whole time. I'm glad we've had the opportunity to get our kids together.
Monday the kids spent the night at my house. Then, yesterday Sarah came to pick the kids up and took them swimming, then to Chuck-E-Cheese, and then let them have another sleepover. It's been party central. The kids are all getting along great and having a wonderful time. Tomorrow we'll be heading to 7 Peaks for some more swimming fun!