My parents got a call to serve in the Brussels, Belgium/Netherlands mission. They recieved their call back in June and had to wait until November 3rd before they could enter the MTC. They were thrilled to go. Mom was nervous, but willing. This is a picture of them the day they were set apart. It was an awesome experience to be there with them when they were set apart as full-time missionaries.
So, Monday we said our good-byes and off they went. They were only supposed to be in the MTC for one week and they were scheduled to fly out on Nov. 10th. I got to talk to my mom a few times for a couple minutes and she told me how they were doing and learning and what a wonderful experience the whole thing was for them. Then, on Friday evening I got a call from her saying that Belgium would not give them a Visa, so they were not able to go on Monday, and could they come back to stay with us again. Of course I said yes.
Now they are here with us and kind of in limbo. They don't know if it'll be a day, a week, or a month before they will be able to go out into the mission field. I can tell they are disappointed. This has been a dream for my Dad for a very long time. For as long as I can remember he has always wanted to serve a mission, and finally his chance was here.
I hope that things will get sorted out quickly and that they will be able to leave and fulfill the Lord's work. What an amazing experience they will have. I don't know why this is happening now, and I feel so bad for them. I almost don't even know what to say. But, I know the Lord has a plan for them and things will work out when they are supposed to. Now we just have to wait and be patient.