Ari and her soldier, Sgt. Love
Ari and her soldier, Sgt. Love
The first grade put on a cute little program. They were supposed to walk down to the park and sing for us and then we were supposed to have a picnic there. Afterwards, the kids were going to be able to play at the park. But, once again the weather has been crazy.
Instead they had their program in the cafeteria and it turned out to be so cute. They sang some cute songs. My favorite one was one about jelly beans. S loves to sing. He gets a cute little smile on his face when he sees me watching him. And then that makes him sing even louder. I love it. After they sang, we ate together in the cafeteria. After a little while, S ended up eating with 2 of his friends who didn't have parents there.
I wanted a picture of the two of us together. This was the pose that he wanted to do. I think it turned out pretty darn cute. Boy, do I love that kid!
My little J graduated from Kindergarten last Thursday. I can hardly believe it. How did that happen? It was a bittersweet day for me. I'm excited for her, for her future. She is growing up so fast and is truly enjoying her life right now. She's excited to be a big first grader and to get to eat lunch at school like her brothers and sister. She takes on each new thing with wonder and excitement. She has a love for learning. She is a little sweetheart, but can get a bit moody. I'm afraid I'm in for it. I love watching as my kids grow and love watching each stage they go through.
But, at the same time, I can't believe I'm here. I can't believe my youngest will be gone all day at school next year. For the last 10 years I've been SO busy with little ones running circles around me all day long. I'll still be busy, but in a different way. There won't be as much cuddle time, or as many hugs and kisses. I won't be the most important person in their lives any more. I know this is part of them growing up and it's not bad, it'll just be an adjustment. I love being a mom. It's the best thing I've every done. EVER. I love watching my kids grow. I hope the best for them and hope they remember a happy childhood.
J's program was darling. They sang some cute songs, which of course made me cry. I don't know what it is about watching the kids sing, but when they do I always get teary. She did a great job and had a huge smile on her face the whole time. After the program they had a little BBQ, which ended up being inside since our weather has been so crazy. But with all that, it turned out to be a wonderful day!
Congrats, graduate!
Yesterday I went on a field trip with S's class. We went to the Discovery Gateway. I've never been to the museum since they moved, and I really enjoyed myself. There is a ton of stuff for the kids to do. First we went to the food court for lunch, then we made our way to the museum.
S loved the rock wall and could climb all the way to the top without any help. He also liked pretending he was a construction worker, and playing outside on the helicopter. I think it's a great place for the kids to go and explore and use their imagination. I'd really like for us to all go there as a family. It was a fun time!