August 31, 2007
No Internet
August 27, 2007
Look Who Got Glasses!

August 25, 2007
Stomach Ache
August 21, 2007
M's Baptism

August 16, 2007
My MeMe Post
5 Things I Was Doing 10 Years Ago:
1. Finishing up my last semester at Ricks College while 3 months pregnant with T. I remember taking Anatomy and my teacher worrying that I would faint while working on cadavers. He was paying too much attention to me and didn't notice the kid in the back who actually did faint.
2. Switching from a married student ward, to a family ward.
3. Working at Artco typing up wedding announcements, and listening to stress-out brides.
4. Worrying if I would be a good mom or not.
5. Hanging out with DH.
5 Things on my to-do list today:
1. Write my talk for M's baptism tonight.
2. Vaccuum out the van.
3. Finsih laundry.
4. Iron clothes for baptism.
5. Get house ready for more family to come.
5 Snacks I enjoy:
1. Chocolate.
2. Ice cream.
3. Cinnamon Bears.
4. Tiffany's Dessert.
5. Tortilla chips with cheese dip.
5 Songs I know the lyrics to:
1. Girls (Beastie Boys)
2. Faithfully (Journey)
3. Held (Natalie Grant)
4. When You Say Nothing At All (Allison Kraus)
5. Baby Got Back (Sir Mix A-lot)
5 Things I would do if I were a millionaire:
1. Pay for my kids weddings, college, missions, and graduation
2. Buy a new house with cash, and pay off all debts.
3. Take my family (extended too) on a vacation.
4. Buy toys like a boat, some quads, snowmobiles, etc.
5. Save.
5 Bad Habits:
1. Staying up way too late.
2. Eating half a dozen cookies.
3. Staying on the computer too long.
4. Cleaning up after someone cleans.
5. Not exercising enough.
5 Things I'd never wear again:
1. Rolled jeans.
2. MC Hammer pants.
3. Big hair.
4. Unfortunately, size 5 jeans, maybe in 7 for that matter.
5. Leg Warmers.
5 Favorite Toys:
1. Computer.
2. I guess that's all I have, but I'd love some quads
3. ...and a laptop
4. ...and a dune buggy
5. ...and Dance Dance Revolution.
4 things:
4 things that should go into Room 101 and be removed from the face of the earth:
1. War.
2. Layered socks.
3. Hunger.
4. Disease.
3 things people do that make you want to shake them violently:
1. Child Abuse.
2. Spouse Abuse.
3. Murder.
2 things you find yourself moaning about:
1. My weight.
2. My looks.
1 thing the above answers tell you about yourself:
I'm too preoccupied with what's going on in my life.
My roommate(s) and I... used to dress up a skeleton in different clothes. We kept him up all year.
Never in my life... have I gotten drunk or done drugs.
High school was... really good, but I'm glad I'm done with it.
When I'm nervous... I tap my fingers.
My hair... is in a ponytail.
When I was five I...I started my first journel. From then on I wrote in my journal almost every day until I got married. Now I blog, that counts as a journal, right?
When I turn my head left...I can see the backyard.
I should be...getting ready for the baptism tonight.
By this time next year...I may be going back to school since all of my kids will be in school full-time.
My favorite aunt is...Aunt Marie-Jean. I don't really know my other ones.
I have a hard time understanding...why kids have selective hearing.
You know I like you if...I visit your blog regularly.
My ideal breakfast I don't have to cook.
If you visit my home would think I grew up in ghetto-ville. Growing up it didn't seem to bad, but it seems to be getting worse and worse.
If you spend the night at my house...we would stay up late laughing, eating, and playing!
My favorite blonde sweet little M and my trouble-maker S!
My favorite brunette little princess J and my big boy T.
I shouldn't have been....sitting here blogging away when I have soooo much to do to get ready for tonight.
Last night I....stayed up cleaning until 1:00 a.m.
A better name for me would be...Vallerina.
I've been told I look like...Terri Hatcher (I was told that a lot in high school), and sometimes Catherine Zeta Jones.
If I could have any car, it would be...a Suburban with a hitch so we could pull our toys.
You should do this meme if you...are bored.
This is a one word meme:
1. Where is your cell phone? kitchen
2. Your husband? amazing
3. Your hair? brown
4. Your mother? hurting
5. Your father? honest
7. Your dream last night? hopeful
8. Your favorite drink? water
9. Your dream car? Suburban
10. The room you're in? mine
11. Your ex? non-existent
12. Your fears? death
13. What do you want to be in 10 years? nurse
14. Who did you hang out with last night? family
15. What you're not? thin
16. Muffins? warm
17. One of your wish list items? house
18. Where you grew up? California
19. The last thing you did? whisper
20. What are you wearing? jammies
21. Your TV? on
22. Your pet? none
23. Your computer? old
24. Your life? great
25. Your mood? content
26. Missing? txmommy
27. What are you thinking about right now? company
28. Your car? dirty
29. Your work? neglected
30. Your summer? crazy
31. Your relationship status? fabuloso
32. Tomorrow? Lagoon
33. When is the last time you laughed? yesterday
34. Last time you cried? Wednesday
35. School? soon
If you'd like to play any, then you're tagged!
August 15, 2007
Nice Matters

My sweet friend & dancing buddy Tori gave me this wonderful award, and Lei from My Many Colored Days. Thanks!! I try to be a nice person most of the time, and hope that people can see my efforts. I guess it paid off!
Now, I bestow this award on:
txmommy, who is my dear sweet sister. She is one of the nicest people I know and is always thinking of others. I keep saying that when I grow up, I want to be just like her!
Anna, also my sister and an extremely nice person. She has been through so much with her health and I admire her for her positive attitude. No one could ask for a better sister.
Kelsi has been a dear friend of mine for a long time. We grew up together and made wonderful memories together. She is such a great friend and could always make me smile. We kind of lost touch for a while with being married, having kids, and just life. But, recently I found her blog and have been getting little glimpses of what is going on in her life. It feels like there was no gap in between talking, she's just one of those people you can pick up where you left off and carry on.
Melanie is also a dear friend of mine who I just got back into touch with through blogging. Crazy! We were roommates for a while and I just love her. She is an amazing person and is so sweet! She would do anything for anyone! Love you Meme!
Nikko from Three Blonde Boys is a very nice person. I got to meet her while I spent some time at my sisters' house. Her boys are darling and she takes great pictures!!
Blackeyedsue was one of the first blogs I started reading. She seems super nice and I would LOVE to meet her one day. She's been going through some tuff times with this pregnancy and still has a positive attitude!
And, last but not least Chel from Happiness is Everything. I was so sad that I couldn't meet her at Blog Fest because she seems like the type of person I would get along great with. Her little Scarlet is so beautiful! I can't link her because she's changed her blog to a private one, but I think she is very deserving of the Nice Matters Award!
August 14, 2007
Jolly's Ranch

S playing on the bunk beds!

Catching bugs, worms, and skippers.
August 9, 2007
M's Party!

We made the cutest flip flop invitations which I forgot to take a picture of. All the girls came in their p.j.'s., ready to party. M had Hannah Montana playing as all the girls were arriving, and they all danced, giggled, and ran around. We started the party off with a very healthy dinner of pizza rolls, mozarella sticks, chips, capri suns, and sushi-rice krispy-rolls! I was surprised at how much those girls ate. They must have been very hungry!

August 8, 2007
Where Did Your Mom Get Pregnant?

August 7, 2007
More Fun at Tori's

The boys playing ball.
Trampoline fun!
All the kids waiting in line for DDR!!
August 6, 2007
Dance, Dance Revolution BABY!!

On Saturday, we went to Tori's for a BBQ. It was a blast! I'm really glad we got to do it. I feel like I've known her for a long time. We had a great time and I hope they did too!

August 3, 2007
Which Harry Potter Character Are You?

Your Score: Nymphadora Tonks
You scored 52% Maturity, 85% Goodness, and 42% Abilities!
You're Tonks, you've got the ability to change your facial features at will, and you're part of the Order of the Phoenix. Even though you're one of the youngest in the Order you hold your own nicely, even if you did have some troubles passing parts of your Auror test.
Link: The In-Depth HP Personality TestIdaho, Day 7 & 8

Once again we were covered in sand and had to shower off. Then we headed to the park to meet some more cousins. We ate lunch and then let the kids play in the water. They had a little spray park there, which the kids thought was cool. They spent a long time running around and playing with their cousins. It was a perfect day for a picnic and some water fun.
Afterwards, we called Grandma Ball to see if she wanted to go to the Flood Museum with us. DH had been telling the kids about the Teton Flood and they were very interested in everything. Grandma Ball's house got ruined in the flood, so they wanted to know all about that. The museum is cute and had a ton of stuff. They got to feel actual mud from the flood. There were before and after pictures of Rexburg and the way the flood affected the entire town. The kids got to do a scavenger hunt. So we sea
rched the museum for a long time. S even found a gun that was called a "S" gun. He thought that was the best thing, and HAD to have his picture taken next to it. They loved it! When everyone found all the things on their list, they turned it in to the front desk and they all got a flag pin. We also watched a short film of the flood. Somehow it got caught on video. I can't believe how much damage was done. I can't even imagine going through that and all those people that suffered. Now Rexburg is growing rapidly and you would never know that such tragedy had hit them.

Our next stop was to the movie theater to watch Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. I had debated taking the kids because I wasn't sure if they would be scared or not, but DH thought they would be fine. And, they were. J fell asleep about 10 minutes into it and slept the entire time. The other 3 really enjoyed it, as did we. I of course enjoyed the book much more, but that is usually the case.
After the movie we drove by the Rexburg Temple to check it out. It of course is beautiful and I would love to go inside when it is finished. The growth of the church is amazing. I can't believe how many temples have been built recently and how they are all being used. The church is growing rapidly and it is truly wonderful!
Then we were ready to grab some dinner and head back to the summer house for a quiet evening. As we started driving S started to feel sick and then told us that he thought he was going to throw-up. Great! I got a bag to him, but he missed. There was vomit E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E. I crawled in the back seat to clean up the best I could, and I almost lost it myself. Popcorn vomit is awful. Luckily DH's cousin lives close by and we made a stop there to clean the car and bathe S. Poor guy. He was sick the next couple of days and then passed it on to M. Luckily we left for home the next morning.
We had a wonderful vacation. It was sooo nice to have family time and to enjoy being with each other and making wonderful memories!
August 2, 2007
Idaho, Day 5 & 6

August 1, 2007
Idaho, Day 4

The kids thought it was cool to see how many there were.
We stopped for an ice cream which was also WAY pricey. But, we came to the conclusion that that is just the way things are in Jackson. I think for 1 scoop on a waffle cone we paid almost three bucks. At least they were yummy and they kept us cool in the blazing heat!
One of the favorite activities of the day for the kids was getting an old time photo taken. DH and I have had two of these taken on previous trips to Jackson, and the kids have always wanted to get one done. They were darling, and had a blast getting dressed up in all the old western clothes. The picture turned out darling! I love it!!
After all of our daytime fun, we headed up the road a little bit for some good, clean, family entertainment. We went to a place called the Bar J. It's a favorite of ours, and we always try to make it there when we visit. This was the first time for the kids. They serve dinner chuckwagon style, and then there is a show following dinner. They are called the Bar J Wranglers.
They are very popular and you have to call and reserve your spots to make sure you can get in. Then, even though you have reservations you have to arrive early so that you can be at a good table. Lucky for us my FIL and his wife were there and volunteered to wait in line for us. They got there at 2:00 in the afternoon, and you don't get seated until 6:30. The kids would never have made it that long in line. There waiting paid off and we got to be seated at the first table, right in front of the stage.

The food was delicious and the entertainment was wonderful. They do a lot of old country music and some cowboy poetry. One of the guys can even yodel (I have no idea if I spelled that right or not). He is amazing. They also always do a funny number with "Grandma" in it. It is absolutely hilarious. One of the guys leaves and comes back as grandma. This time they did a song called "Dear Old Granny Had a Deformed Farm". We were cracking up. It was so dang funny and I'm so glad we were able to make it there!
Utah Blog Fest 2007