Chel from Happiness is Everything tagged me for the name game. I hope she's not too disappointed since I don't say the first names of my children and I don't really have great stories, but here they are:
My first born T. Even before I got pregnant I knew what I wanted my first son to be named. Like most dads, DH wanted him to have the same name as his. I thought this would be too confusing. He disagreed, but in the end we stuck with T. However, his middle name is the same as his dads first name.
He's a great kid. Full of energy and excitement all the time. He loves to play sports, invent things, build things, explore, get dirty, tell jokes, and all the other fun things that goes along with being a boy!

Then, there's my little pumpkin M. We debated between two names for a long time, but M won out in the end. Her middle name is Ann, which is the same as mine. Her name fits her so well.
M is soo soo different than T. She's ALL girl. She is very thoughtful and sensitive. She's always thinking about the needs of others. She writes little notes to everyone all the time, just to say "Hi" or "I love you". She's such a sweetie.
She loves to dance, paint her nails, put on make-up, try new hairstyles, play house, play school. Like I said complete opposite of her ALL BOY brother.

Then, we come to S. We didn't have a name picked out for him right until the very end. We went through a lot of different ones, including Hunter, Brendan, Carson, Riley, Ryker (which I like but DH didn't). In the end, and I mean the very end we decided on S. For his middle name, I really wanted to name him after my dad John. My dad is one of my heroes, so John was the perfect name for my son to have.
He is one rowdy kid. He keeps me on my toes 24/7. He is probably the busiest kid I've ever met. If he's not jumping on the couch, he's breaking things, drawing on things, playing in the dirt, flushing toys down the toilet, building, playing swords, doing flips, dancing on the table, trying to cook, etc. etc. My list could go on and on and on. He also has a very tender heart. He can be very loveable and cuddly when he wants to. I don't know what my life would be like without him.

And last, but certainly not least we come to J. When I was pregnant with M we had the debate between two names. J was the other one, and we still liked it so that was what she got. We actually almost named her Piper, which I still love, but J fits her well. Her middle name is Alexandra after my brother Alexander. He's a good brother and a good friend.
She is a firecracker. She too is very sensitive, but unlike her sister she'll stand her ground. She's learned how to defend herself. I guess with 3 older siblings, she kind of needed to learn how.
She is my cuddler. I love cuddling with her. She gives hugs and kisses to everyone all the time. She loves to dance, cook, dress-up, put on make-up, and wants to be like her big sister.
I love my kids. I feel so grateful that Heavenly Father sent them to me, and that I have the opportunity to raise them. I hope they will remember happy times at home and that they will always feel loved!