M turned 7 years old on the July 8. I can't even believe it. She is getting so big, and growing up to be such a sweet little girl. She is a typical girl. She loves doing her hair, putting on makeup and perfume, and painting her nails. She is always writing notes and drawing pictures for people. She is a great help at home, and is my best little cleaner. She loves to sing and dance all over the house. She is such a joy to have. She is also a typical girl in the fact that she is very emotional. You can look at her the wrong way, and she would start to cry. We have to be really careful not to joke around with her too much because she takes it so personal. The only not so great part about her is that she is starting to develop a little attitude. It's amazing how quick they develop that. I think we are going to have to keep an eye out on that one. She'll probably give us a run for our money. But, I'm so glad that she is a part of our family even with all her ups and downs. Happy Birthday M!