I am having such a wonderful time in TX with my sister and her family. I really enjoy spending time with her. It's so sad that we live so far away from each other. But, I'm grateful for the time that we do have.
For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be like her when I "grew up". She has set such a good example to me in so many ways. She is an amazing mother and wife. She is everything a person would want in a sister. She is loving, kind, thoughtful, caring, understanding, insightful, patient, Christ-like, and so many other things, that it would be almost impossible for me to list them all. We are 10 years apart, and growing u

p, I never thought we would be close. I never thought she would want to do anything with her annoying little sister. But, I was wrong. She is such a support to me. She is one of my "best friends". When I'm home in UT and she is in TX, we talk to each other several times a day. DH has often asked what we talk about. Sometimes it's nothing really, but the joy is in the fact that we could talk to each other about anything and be content. I usually know when her kids doctor appointments are, when E breaks something, when S has dance try-outs, all the stuff about her life, and she knows the same about mine. One of the great things about having her as a sister, is that she cares and wants to hear and know about what is going on, even if it is only a bad hair day. I hope she knows how much I love her, and how much she means to me. Thanks for everything L!!
We went to Papa Deaux for dinner one night. It was sooo yummy!! We ordered these delicious desserts. They were almost too pretty to eat. But, it's dessert, and I can never just let that sit ther

e and look pretty. I got a strawberry cheesecake, and L got creme brulee (so did R, but he didn't really care about having his picture taken with a dessert). They were both very delicious!! We had a fun time going out to eat, just the three of us, with no little bodies running around. There were only 2 bad things about the night. One, DH was not there to make it a double date, and I felt bad knowing that he was probably sitting at home all alone eating a frozen pizza. And two, I got attacked by fire ants. The restaurant is right by the river, so we walked over to look at it, and I stood right in an ant hill. My ankles started hurting, and I looked down, and R told me I had fire ants all over. He quickly helped me brush them all off. Man, those little suckers hurt! Other than that, our night was wonderful!